400+ Marketing Name Ideas To Help You Choose A Name For Your Brand
When you’re investing so much effort in every aspect of your online business, you shouldn’t miss out on choosing a great domain name.

Picking a great domain name for your online business is one of the most important decisions you will make along your entrepreneurial journey.
Your domain name works as your global online identity. People will associate that name with your brand. When it comes to choosing a domain name for your online business, the world is your oyster.
There are thousands of names to pick from and with a brandable domain extension, the domain name of your choice might just be available.
Now, choosing a domain name might be hard but it isn’t impossible—all it takes is some time and thought on your end.
5 Qualities Of Great Domain Names
Mentioned below are five qualities that you must keep in mind to ensure you get the cream of the crop.
1. Look For A Name That Feels Right
Google values good brand communication over just about anything else. If you check some of the top-ranked websites, you’ll see that these are sites that have built a good brand for themselves wherein they provide great quality content and value to their customers.
Having a brand name that stands out for itself can do a lot for your business in the long run.
Picking a domain name that helps build your brand, resonates with the customers, and makes it easier for people to recognize you will always work in your favor.
Starting An Online Business? Build It On .Online!
2. Enhance Your Name With A Brandable Domain Extension
When it comes to picking a good domain name for your online business, every aspect of the web address counts.
The Internet has been around for a long time. Therefore, chances are that the domain name you want won’t available on the traditional domain extensions.
Now when this happens, most businesses either sacrifice their choice of name or add unnecessary suffixes/prefixes or misspell the name. Doing any of this will hurt your brand in the long run.
Instead, by choosing a brandable domain extension such as .ONLINE, you can not only better brand your domain name but also build a strong brand reputation over time.
The key benefits of using a .ONLINE domain for your business are:
- You can find the name of your choice available on .ONLINE.
- You can register a short domain name on .ONLINE without having to spend a fortune.
- You can easily create a relatable, keyword-rich business name on a .ONLINE domain
3. Think Definitive, Not Generic
When choosing a domain name for your website, pick something that is definitive, creative, and brandable. Remember, your domain name is the foundation of your brand. It’s how your visitors will find and remember you.
For instance, if www.planurtravels.com is the domain name of you’re a travel agency, then it will not succeed in making as strong a mark as www.plantravel.online will. The latter is definitive because it is:
- Short,
- Easy to remember, and
- Unique (the most important quality needed to be brandable)
Domain name generators and thesaurus are useful tools to find words that can make for a great domain name.
4. Bid Adieu To Hyphens And Numbers In Your Domain Name
A great domain name is one that can be understood easily by you and everyone else. This is more likely to happen if people don’t have to stop and think about how to say or spell it.
It’s not exceptionally smooth or punchy to specify a hyphen in a conversation.
If it’s going something like “Hi my name is John and my domain is w w w dot johnpersonal hyphen blog dot com.” then it’s not going to be easy or memorable – the two factors, you need on your side if you want to experience success online.
5. Be Vary Of Trademarks And Copyrights
A domain name by itself is not considered intellectual property. However, registering a domain name that is similar to a trademark word/term can cause a tremendous amount of legal and financial problems for your business.
It could also lead to your website being shut down.
Thus, before adopting a domain name, it is crucial to conduct a trademark search and ensure that the name you’re after is free from any legal hassles. Also, keep in mind that the trademark search cannot be limited to just USPTO.
As a business setting up your online identity, your research must include all known trademark databases—both nationally and internationally—and a basic law search.
Building An Online Brand? Build It On .Online!
4 Amazing Ways Your Domain Name Can Help Boost Your Business
A good domain name is more than just a web address. It is a wonderful marketing opportunity.
As a new business, you need all the positive publicity you can get. However, the challenge is to keep increasing the marketing ROI while keeping the monies under control.
Your domain name isn’t limited to being just a web address. There’s a lot more you can get out of it towards your branding and marketing efforts.
In fact, you don’t even have to stick to one domain name—you can have different domain names for several aspects of your business, and thanks to new domain extensions, you get to be creative with each of those names.
Here are 4 ways you can use your domain name to boost your business and marketing efforts:
1. Accentuate Your Social Media With A Great Domain Name
Your Instagram handle can be more than just an ordinary name—it can be a domain name. And it is one of the most effective ways to ensure your website stays on top of your user’s mind. Here’s an example,
Let’s say you’re on a .ONLINE domain. Now instead of going with ‘BrandName’ as your handle, you can have ‘BrandName.Online’ as your handle.
This not only publicizes your web address but also creates curiosity and interest amongst your users. It is a wonderful way to provide clean and effortless branding across your social media channels.
2. Enhance Your Campaign Landing Pages
Instead of doing campaigns the same old way, get your audience’s attention by doing something different. Brands have a tendency to get stagnant with their product launches.
So, instead of rolling the same old way, switch it up a bit with a full website takeover on a new domain. Not only does this give you a chance to have fun with your digital marketing efforts, but it also gives your audience something fresh to experience.
Let’s assume you are launching your digital marketing agency. A domain name such as www.[campaign name].online will definitely have a stronger impact than only having a dedicated page on your website.
It will help with brand awareness and recall when you display this domain name on your digital and print ads and will be super cool to hear on a radio.
3. Use Domain Names To Brand Your Short Links
Of course, you have the choice to go with a general short link and it can help you achieve your goals. But what it won’t do is give you an extra ounce of branding.
Every single communication is a branding opportunity and short links are just another way to stand out from the competition and portray a professional and legitimate image.
Brandable short links stand out and they are great for building credibility, getting more clicks, and creating overall higher brand recall.
To have your own branded short link, buy a kickass domain name on a new domain extension and sign up on a platform that offers to create these branded short links.
4. Create Specialized Web Pages
Every offering of your business deserves special attention. And nothing says unique like a different domain name for each of your services.
If you’re offering a service online, you can highlight your efforts with a .ONLINE domain. With branded domain extensions, you have the opportunity to brand and market the page to fit your specific needs.
Moreover, if you are attending trade shows and industry events, you can use your domain name on your business cards and other marketing collateral. A different, easy-to-remember URL stays on top of the mind and helps you make a mark.
New domain extensions offer a brilliant opportunity to better promote your services and your brand overall. Moreover, they also give you the opportunity to have small, easy to remember domain names without any compromise.
Make the most of these domain extensions for your marketing strategy and build a memorable brand story.
Building An Online Brand? Build It On .Online!
100+ Digital Marketing Company Names For Inspiration
Check out over 100 social media and digital marketing company name ideas for inspiration.
civilsocial.online | Culturedsocial.online |
communaldigital.online | Curiousdigital.online |
collectivesocial.online | Directsocial.online |
commondigital.online | Daringdigital.online |
communitysocial.online | Decisivesocial.online |
cordialdigital.online | Dedicateddigital.online |
familiarsocial.online | Maturesocial.online |
generaldigital.online | Mediatordigital.online |
groupsocial.online | Methodicalsocial.online |
nicedigital.online | Meticulousdigital.online |
sociablesocial.online | Mindfulsocial.online |
societaldigital.online | Optimisticdigital.online |
amusingsocial.online | Organizedsocial.online |
communicativedigital.online | Outgoingdigital.online |
companionablesocial.online | Particularsocial.online |
convivialdigital.online | Passionatedigital.online |
divertingsocial.online | Patientsocial.online |
entertainingdigital.online | Perceptivedigital.online |
gracioussocial.online | Perfectionistsocial.online |
gregariousdigital.online | Perseverantdigital.online |
hospitablesocial.online | Persistentsocial.online |
informativedigital.online | Personabledigital.online |
mannerlysocial.online | Persuasivesocial.online |
neighborlydigital.online | Positivedigital.online |
organizedsocial.online | Practicalsocial.online |
pleasantdigital.online | Pragmaticdigital.online |
pleasurablesocial.online | Precisesocial.online |
polisheddigital.online | Proactivedigital.online |
politesocial.online | Reflectivesocial.online |
populardigital.online | Reliabledigital.online |
Authenticsocial.online | Resolutesocial.online |
Balanceddigital.online | Resourcefuldigital.online |
Bilingualsocial.online | Respectfulsocial.online |
Bravedigital.online | Sensibledigital.online |
Calmsocial.online | Serioussocial.online |
Candiddigital.online | Skilleddigital.online |
Capablesocial.online | Strategicsocial.online |
Carefuldigital.online | Successfuldigital.online |
Cheerfulsocial.online | Tactfulsocial.online |
Collaborativedigital.online | Tenaciousdigital.online |
Committedsocial.online | Thoroughsocial.online |
Communicativedigital.online | Tidydigital.online |
Communityminded.online | Experiencedsocial.online |
Compassionatesocial.online | Flawlessdigital.online |
Confidentdigital.online | Humblesocial.online |
Conscientioussocial.online | Intelligentdigital.online |
Consistentdigital.online | Likablesocial.online |
Constructivesocial.online | Perfectdigital.online |
Cooperativedigital.online | Popularsocial.online |
Courageoussocial.online | Powerfuldigital.online |
Creativedigital.online | Smartsocial.online |
100+ Health And Beauty Business Name Ideas
Check out over 100 name ideas for health and beauty businesses.
adorablehealth.online | tastefulhealth.online |
aestheticbeauty.online | timelessbeauty.online |
aestheticallypleasing.online | transcendenthealth.online |
aglowhealth.online | unforgettablebeauty.online |
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100+ Garden Name Ideas
Starting a gardening business? These garden name ideas will help you name your business.
ablazegarden.online | refreshinggraden.online |
abloomlives.online | relaxinggraden.online |
activegarden.online | ripegraden.online |
conditionedgraden.online | roastinggraden.online |
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150+ Domain Names To Spark Your Creativity
Here are more than 150 domain names to help you get inspired to pick a meaningful domain name for your online business. This could be for cleaning business, photography business website, personal website, fashion, skincare, gardening, or anything under the sun.
Domain Name | Industry | |
1 | artsource.online | Art |
2 | wecreatives.online | Art |
3 | bluezone.online | Art |
4 | livingcontent.online | Art |
5 | bydanielledesigns.online | Art |
6 | turkishseries.online | Art |
7 | findwebdesigners.online | Art |
8 | naturalbeautyproducts.online | Beauty and Fashion |
9 | thevander.online | Beauty and Fashion |
10 | ladyfashionproducts.online | Beauty and Fashion |
11 | ladiesfashionitems.online | Beauty and Fashion |
12 | pureskincare.online | Beauty and Fashion |
13 | beautycareprod.online | Beauty and Fashion |
14 | brandedessentials.online | Beauty and Fashion |
15 | wehavedresses.online | Beauty and Fashion |
16 | skincaremart.online | Beauty and Fashion |
17 | trendsbeauty.online | Beauty and Fashion |
18 | jetfashions.online | Beauty and Fashion |
19 | brandedskincare.online | Beauty and Fashion |
20 | orkis.online | Beauty and Fashion |
21 | eltoday.online | Beauty and Fashion |
22 | thecandyshoppe.online | Beauty and Fashion |
23 | jadorecouture.online | Beauty and Fashion |
24 | giovane.online | Beauty and Fashion |
25 | amassment.online | Beauty and Fashion |
26 | beautyskincarezone.online | Beauty and Fashion |
27 | beautyfashionshop.online | Beauty and Fashion |
28 | womensfashionstore.online | Beauty and Fashion |
29 | trevishop.online | Beauty and Fashion |
30 | shesmart.online | Beauty and Fashion |
31 | macrosales.online | Beauty and Fashion |
32 | haggles.online | Beauty and Fashion |
33 | beautyskinclub.online | Beauty and Fashion |
34 | beatricebridal.online | Beauty and Fashion |
35 | dareaccessories.online | Beauty and Fashion |
36 | skincarehub.online | Beauty and Fashion |
37 | freshfashions.online | Beauty and Fashion |
137 | dkelectricals.online | Business |
139 | deadtree.online | Business |
169 | neosight.online | Business |
176 | dashactivate.online | Business |
177 | straightlinesource.online | Business |
184 | csdesign.online | Business |
Hostname | Category | |
134 | dreamstudioworks.online | Content |
135 | ketabi.online | Content |
136 | iosphere.online | Content |
141 | drsammy.online | Content |
142 | softhub.online | Content |
144 | luxapps.online | Content |
170 | vapordigital.online | Content |
171 | gurutells.online | Content |
174 | jgbranding.online | Content |
175 | lifedge.online | Content |
183 | sparkplug.online | Content |
138 | dreamdesignprint.online | eCommerce |
140 | vinylvault.online | eCommerce |
143 | jmproductions.online | eCommerce |
182 | trainyourbrain.online | eCommerce |
38 | bestshoppingcart.online | Electronics |
39 | retailspace.online | Electronics |
40 | bdstore.online | Electronics |
41 | whoopstore.online | Electronics |
42 | nicebuyingstore.online | Electronics |
43 | luckydeal.online | Electronics |
44 | flashsalesgh.online | Electronics |
45 | nicewebshop.online | Electronics |
46 | lakesideapparel.online | Electronics |
47 | smartitemsshop.online | Electronics |
48 | bestproductsshop.online | Electronics |
49 | nederlandscasino.online | Electronics |
50 | smartpants.online | Electronics |
51 | mysuperstore.online | Electronics |
52 | grouponoutlet.online | Electronics |
53 | techshek.online | Electronics |
54 | onlinegoodsstore.online | Electronics |
55 | hedgehogmusic.online | Entertainment |
56 | ps1games.online | Entertainment |
57 | worldperfume.online | Finance |
58 | laserstudio.online | Finance |
59 | yourphysio.online | Finance |
60 | carbonstore.online | Finance |
61 | myhairplug.online | Finance |
62 | buysurprize.online | Finance |
63 | setcas.online | Finance |
64 | featured.online | Finance |
65 | tripplesmartoptions.online | Finance |
66 | ladiessecrete.online | Finance |
67 | cozylifes.online | Finance |
68 | staplefoods.online | Food and Nutrition |
69 | vitalife.online | Food and Nutrition |
70 | fitnessnsupplements.online | Food and Nutrition |
71 | inspirehealth.online | Food and Nutrition |
72 | supplementszone.online | Food and Nutrition |
73 | hotsupplements.online | Food and Nutrition |
74 | bestfitnessproducts.online | Food and Nutrition |
75 | supplementsprods.online | Food and Nutrition |
76 | bestsupplementshub.online | Food and Nutrition |
77 | teabrick.online | Food and Nutrition |
78 | supplementhub.online | Food and Nutrition |
79 | thesprings.online | Government and Society |
80 | missionchurch.online | Government and Society |
81 | calvary.online | Government and Society |
82 | nicebabyshop.online | Health |
83 | onlinepharmacystore.online | Health |
84 | smartproductsshop.online | Health |
85 | wealthhealthprods.online | Health |
86 | trendingdealspro.online | Health |
87 | cutebabyshop.online | Health |
88 | healthhandbook.online | Health |
89 | perfecthealthtips.online | Health |
90 | youdiagnose.online | Health |
91 | budtradersmarket.online | Health |
92 | moderntherapy.online | Health |
93 | healthwealthcare.online | Health |
94 | manythings.online | Home and Garden |
95 | jawhara.online | Home and Garden |
96 | secureindia.online | Home and Garden |
97 | wallpapershop.online | Home and Garden |
98 | perfectpiece.online | Home and Garden |
99 | jann.online | Home and Garden |
100 | kiabio.online | Home and Garden |
101 | nicepetitems.online | Home and Garden |
102 | nicepetshop.online | Home and Garden |
103 | callicarpa.online | Home and Garden |
104 | smartpetsshop.online | Home and Garden |
105 | souvenirshop.online | Home and Garden |
106 | searchtorontohomes.online | Home and Garden |
107 | queensharmresort.online | Home and Garden |
108 | pawfection.online | Home and Garden |
109 | toptrendshop.online | Home and Garden |
110 | vermontvalues.online | Home and Garden |
111 | trendloop.online | Home and Garden |
112 | waterbottleshop.online | Home and Garden |
113 | cutepetitems.online | Home and Garden |
114 | mydogbuddy.online | Home and Garden |
115 | cutepetshop.online | Home and Garden |
116 | thedogplanet.online | Home and Garden |
117 | thepotshoppe.online | Home and Garden |
118 | futuredev.online | IT-services and Telecom |
119 | eduapp.online | IT-services and Telecom |
120 | takemyshop.online | IT-services and Telecom |
121 | mangomedia.online | IT-services and Telecom |
122 | bitbuzz.online | IT-services and Telecom |
123 | vfox.online | IT-services and Telecom |
124 | centraloregon.online | IT-services and Telecom |
125 | matchaupair.online | IT-services and Telecom |
126 | connecteddots.online | IT-services and Telecom |
127 | nanatoyshop.online | Leisure |
128 | alumnirussia.online | Leisure |
129 | ticketbox.online | Leisure |
130 | advertisehere.online | Leisure |
131 | futuresfestival.online | Leisure |
132 | hotelkeycards.online | Leisure |
133 | phoenixville.online | Leisure |
145 | featheryournest.online | Nature |
146 | chaperone.online | Nature |
147 | greenworldstore.online | Nature |
148 | linguamore.online | Science and Education |
149 | balloons.online | Science and Education |
150 | gethirednow.online | Science and Education |
151 | learninghub.online | Science and Education |
152 | biomentors.online | Science and Education |
153 | omnilab.online | Science and Education |
154 | opencourseware.online | Science and Education |
155 | stashed.online | Science and Education |
156 | garagebandits.online | Science and Education |
157 | simsupport.online | Science and Education |
158 | bodygold.online | Sports |
159 | kingdomsports.online | Sports |
160 | solcan.online | Sports |
161 | sportnewsdaily.online | Sports |
162 | momentumworld.online | Sports |
163 | glowbox.online | Sports |
164 | dragonwood.online | Sports |
165 | fabfitness.online | Sports |
166 | vintageracing.online | Travel and Transport |
167 | comparecards.online | Travel and Transport |
168 | flashfreight.online | Travel and Transport |
172 | midwestnursingconsultants.online | Work |
173 | bottleneck.online | Work |
178 | businessorpleasure.online | Work |
179 | startdigital.online | Work |
180 | usaherald.online | Work |
181 | birminghamweb.online | Work |
185 | petsbazaar.online | Pets |
Hacks You Can Use To Name Your Online Business
Here are some useful strategies/hacks on how to search for the right domain name:
- [BusinessName].online
- [industry/product].online
- [IndustryNiche].online
- [product+geo].online
- [message].online
- [phrase].online
- [name].online
60+ Online Marketing Business Domain Name Ideas
fortunatemarketing.online | triumphantbusiness.online |
fruitfulbusiness.online | unbeatensales.online |
happysales.online | undefeateddomain.online |
luckydomain.online | victoriousonline.online |
lucrativeonline.online | stimulatingmarketing.online |
outstandingmarketing.online | liftingbusiness.online |
prosperousbusiness.online | strengthenedsales.online |
rewardingsales.online | reinforceddomain.online |
strongdomain.online | toniconline.online |
wealthyonline.online | incentivemarketing.online |
acknowledgedmarketing.online | leadedbusiness.online |
advantageousbusiness.online | invigoratingsales.online |
aheadofthegamesales.online | encouragingdomain.online |
atthetopdomain.online | inspiringonline.online |
attopofladderonline.online | inspiritingmarketing.online |
auspiciousmarketing.online | rousingbusiness.online |
bestsellingbusiness.online | exhilaratingsales.online |
bloomingsales.online | provocativedomain.online |
blossomingdomain.online | favorableonline.online |
boomingonline.online | comfortingmarketing.online |
championmarketing.online | entertainingbusiness.online |
crownedbusiness.online | hopefulsales.online |
efficacioussales.online | impressivedomain.online |
extraordinarydomain.online | intoxicatingonline.online |
flourishingonline.online | interestingmarketing.online |
fortuitousmarketing.online | comfortablebusiness.online |
moneymakingbusiness.online | influentialsales.online |
notablesales.online | flourishingdomain.online |
rollingdomain.online | auspiciousonline.online |
thrivingonline.online | brightmarketing.online |
topmarketing.online | easybusiness.online |
In Conclusion
So, there you have it: all the things to keep in mind when choosing to own a great domain name for your online business and a list of 100 business names to inspire you.